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Marine Propulsion

A submerged waterjet propulsion system has been designed that combines the hydrostatic pressure producing characteristic of the Multiple Segment Lobe Pump with a submerged, variable area discharge that optimizes the propulsion thrust at any vessel speed.  In doing so, there is a 30% to 40% fuel saving, on any size vessel, over a speed range of five to forty miles per hour based on a theoretical analysis** comparing the OCOR  propulsion system with the actual propulsion data, i.e. vessel drag and propeller thrust characteristics, from an actual production watercraft from major pleasure boat manufacturer.


  ** The analysis is available to qualified potential manufacturers.

  • Variable speed multi-segment lobe pump

  • No reverse flow buckets -  simply reverse rotor rotation to reverse thrust 

  • Positive displacement pump has constant efficiency at any rotational speed 

  • Hydraulically actuated discharge pintle (purple body) optimizes jet discharge velocity based on pump flow

  • Inlet creates suction so that body drag is minimized

  • Eliminates propeller injury to human as well as marine life

  • Calculated fuel saving between 30% to 40% over full speed range

10016 Woodrose Ave, Santee, CA 92071

© 2021 OCOR Corporation

Call: 619-328-1310

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